About Shultz Photo School (SPS)
Kyle Shultz (SPS Founder) with Julie, Trager, Kerbi, and Payson.
After shooting 250 weddings and thousands of commissioned portrait sessions, parents would often come up to me and say: “Shultzy, I got this new camera to take pics of the kids. Got any tips?”
That was back in 2010. Sounds absolutely crazy to write that here in 2022. But that’s when SPS was born, right there in my studio with 8 other parents. We got together for an hour once per week for a month.
As they say, the rest is history.
I’ve had the incredible privilege and blessing of helping 130,000+ parents take better pics of their kids, if even in 7 minutes via our Tiny Photo Course For Parents. Many of those parents became incredible photographers, even shooting full time.
Over the years we’ve constantly reinvented and adapted, adding 40+ courses and 1,000’s of photography tutorials to serve our famous SPS Community. Famous in that we’re known across the globe as the kindest, most encouraging photography community on the internet.
However, in 2022 and beyond, it became clear that we needed to get back to the SPS roots: helping parents take better pics of their kids. Whether you’re a complete photography newbie or a pro, capturing the story of your family beautifully is the most powerful part of photography.
But we also feel the need to take it one step further. Taking priceless pics is one thing. But now we need to do something meaningful with those pics.
Introducing the Family Yearbook Project. We not only help you take priceless pics of your family every single week, we also help you make all those pics into a gorgeous photo book. And the secret is out: my dream is to complete the Family Yearbook Project alongside you every year for the next 20 years!
Hope you’ll join me!
Kyle Shultz